Top Esports - FunPlus Phoenix

Top Esports - FunPlus Phoenix

LoL - LPL Regular Season

Tops are rightfully considered one of the top teams in China currently, and the start of the summer season can be deemed successful for them. They experienced a surprising loss against LNG in the beginning, but went on to secure four confident victories. Rookie and JackeyLove are in excellent form and capable of securing top positions alongside their team.

On the other hand, FPX is going through the opposite trend, and I must say it's not looking very promising. They had a convincing win against TT in the season opener, but suffered four painful defeats afterwards. Their issues begin with their draft strategies and extend to a lack of understanding of macro play on the map.

In my opinion, the Phoenixes have a slim chance of even taking a single map against the high-performing Tops, let alone the entire series. Back in March, Rookie and his team demonstrated their superiority against FPX, concluding the series with a clean sweep. I believe tomorrow's result will follow a similar pattern.

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